Fight! Iczer-One 7/10
Successful sales of an OAV rely on one or more of the following gimmicks.
1) Naked girls
2) Big explosions
3) Horrible graphic deaths
4) Hot lesbian action
Fight! Iczer-One has all four! Whoo hoo!
In the realm of anime I'm a big fan of the old school OAV's and Fight! Iczer-One is one of the better ones.
On the technical side this show has a great amount of detail for an anime that pre-dates the modern PC. The character designs are borrowed from shows such as Macross and Megazone 23 and look really great. The music here is really excellent with some nice 80's end themes on blue backgrounds. Pan over a picture of a scantly clad chick or something, anything is better than a plain background. The voice acting was great and I have no real complaints other than the end credits' backgrounds. I hate them sooooooo much. There are 3 episodes here released from 1985 through 1987.
The story is a pretty standard one. Some lesbian aliens show up in Earth's neighbourhood and decide to set up shop. This of course involves stamping out the pesky humans that seem to have an unreasonable attachment to living. These aliens don't just zap the humans with a laser or stomp 'em with a giant robot, they send some alien parasite to infect them then the alien bursts out in a shower of blood and gore. It's pretty cool.
Meanwhile a cyborg alien named Iczer-1 is on earth and needs to team up with a local schoolgirl named Nagisa to help power her robot to fight the lesbian aliens. The girl's friend, parents and neighbour get exploded and she reluctantly signs on. The girls defeat the first of the earlier lesbians then the aliens get serious. Iczer-2 is created and she along with the other lesbian team up in another robot to kick a little ass. The other lesbian bites it and our heroes engage in a final battle with the head alien which I won't spoil here.
A great comic relief bit is the earth's 3 pathetic attempts to fight the alien robots. After a great launch sequence and big battle music the Earth's weapon in each episode is quickly dispatched by the aliens. It's so pathetic it's funny. Never send the military to do a teenage schoolgirl's job.
This anime was really good and has a pretty decent ending for an OAV. The hot lesbian action is a little on the short side in the first couple of minutes but I thought it was a nice addition. Recommended.
A day without hot lesbian anime chick action is.. probably sunday to monday for me.
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