Friday, August 05, 2005

Sister Princess 1/10

Ugh! If I ever have to watch that mess of an anime again it'll be too soon. Read my review, save yourself the pain.

This was not a great show. In fact it was a crappy show. I didn't mind the music but that's about it. While the character designs are OK this show suffers from VERY inconsistent quality. Bad drawings, bad animation, crappy CG effects. The JP VA's, YIKES! It seems in order to keep the 13 sisters straight their crazy outfits weren't enough, they each have different accents. The girl in the big dress particularly infuriated me. Why DO this? I can only assume there's some radio play or something where they set a precedent they couldn't change but it's pretty annoying. This crap ran 26 episodes in 2001. 26!

Plot? What plot? This is the worst harem anime ever. No-one is funny, there's no fan-service, the shows INSIST on having EVERY sister in EVERY episode. Jesus. When they ALL feel OBLIGATED to comment on EVERYTHING it doesn't leave much time for anything else. Also, they always address every inane comment to their damn precious brother I hate so much. HE DOESN'T NEED ALL 13 OF YOU TO TEEL HIM HOW FUCKING GREAT YOUR FUCKING DINNER TASTES FOR FUCK SAKES! HE CAN TASTE THE DAMN DINNER! LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE AND LET THE MAN EAT IN PEACE! I feel better now.

Each episode kind of focuses on a different sister. All your favourites are here: sporty, cookie, sexy, demurey, techie, spooky, sickly, cutie, nosy, clutzy, dummy, fakey and the sister that actually seems like his real sister. I call her bitey. Is this a spoiler you ask? NO! This damn show hints at this BIG SECRET and it's never really explained. I experience more suspense when taking a dump.

Don't get anywhere near this one. One point for 1 meganeko (sickly).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will there be corn.. or won't there.. we'll just have to wait and see

11:47 PM  

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