Monday, March 13, 2006

Blue Seed Beyond OAV 7/10

After the great 26 episode Blue Seed TV series these OAV's are for the fans. Those who haven't seen the series need not apply.

Dating back to 1996 we get some pretty good OAV animation with character designs that are pretty similar to the TV series. I consider this to be a major problem sometimes when the higher quality productions feel the need to change the designs and they screw them up. Examples of this are something like the Inu Yasha movies. The OP here is actually pretty catchy and I don't hate it at all unlike the theme to the TV series. The rest of the music is OK and the one new character has a pretty good voice.

Since this show is more for the fans of the TV series I didn't expect much from the story but I was pleasantly surprised. The new story takes place 2 years after the events of the TV series and the T.A.C. has been disbanded with the chief left to keep and eye on things. Momiji is getting ready to take her university entrance exams and is studying her powers at a lab with the scientist lady. The T.A.C. headquarters is promptly destroyed by a new Aragami with an orange seed and the chief is hospitalized.

Why this OAV isn't now called "Orange Seed" I'll never know.

The whole gang gets together again along with a new American girl named Valencia who has an orange seed in her chest like Momiji's blue one from the TV series except her power is to rip off her clothes and give her powers like Kusanagi's. This is a MUCH better power than Momiji's boring Aragami detector but sadly she only uses it once. They manage to defeat the Aragami then the second episode has them dashing off to San Francisco to defeat the Aragamis there and the scientist that created them. This turns out to be Valencia's dad and she loses her seed at the end of the show robbing the world of yet another naked woman.

During these 2 episodes Momiji has to deal with Kusanagi distancing himself from her lately. This is because he's concerned about harming her if he gets too excited while boning her and this all resolved by the end of the show with no nookie. Oh well. One part I liked about this series was the little side story about how the military girl and the computer geek have split up because she's nervous about commitment. He sees her again during these shows after losing track of her in the previous 2 years and it's a little surprising since he was introducing her to his mom during the end credits of the final TV episode. Of course they get together at the end and it's good to see some character development from the supporting characters.

The last episode is a bit of fluff about the girls heading to a hot spring and having to deal with a bomb set up to kill them. There's no real nudity but all the girls stroll around in their ginch for a bit. I felt kinda ripped off.

Don't watch this unless you've seen the TV series. If you have, then this is very recommended as one last kick at the can for Blue Seed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's unfortunately been too long since I've seen the tv series or the OAV's for this, so again I can't really comment. But I figure I'll be watching it soon, then I'll provide a score of my own.

3:48 PM  

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