Monday, February 20, 2006

Arcade Gamer Fubuki 4/10

Oddly, this show is an OAV based on a show from 1982 called Game Centre Arashi that you nor I have ever or will ever see. This show takes loli fan-service up a notch. I suppose it's for the fans of the original show now old enough to be arrested for such fetishes.

Dating back to sometime in the 90's these 4 OAV episodes look pretty good. Consistent animation and lots of detail is once again the order of the day. I didn't harbour any particular hostility towards the music, OP, ED, or VAs. Nothing to really rave about either. I did like the character designs and they have a pretty unique look which I've not seen elsewhere that I can recall.

Fubuki is a grade 9(?) girl who gets roped into competing in an arcade tournament by her friend and wins by using the power of her Passion Panties. How, do you ask? Her friend blows her skirt up with a fan and she does a handstand on the arcade machine while using her super arcade game powers granted to her by the panties now clearly visible to the audience.

I am not making this up.


This show is really a 2 trick pony. The first is the sheer shocking amount of panty shots and how gratuitous the creators are about it. Fubuki battles a girl her age with black panties and the same move and she meets a large breasted American girl who plays DDR (You can imagine the jiggling). This would be OK if Fubuki wasn't supposed to be in grade 9. Yikes. I feel a little dirty after watching this. The second trick pony is the amount of retro arcade game footage the show has. If you grew up with the Sega arcade machines Fubuki plays it's pretty neat to see the various arcade games you played as a kid. Other than that the show really has just a bare plot to hold things together and some funny bits thrown in.

It's not a BAD show but it's kinda perverted with the whole panty thing. If Fubuki isn't showing them off someone is stealing them or taking her picture in them. At least she's embarrassed about it. I was.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This certainly is a one trick pony, trying to do it four times. It's kind of like how Indian Larry kept on showing off his 'Standing on his motorbike' trick.. then he died. Anyhoo, if this had been half as long and the main character 18 or so it would have been better.
I'd give it 5/10 as well.

3:21 PM  

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