Saturday, August 06, 2005

Spiral 6/10

Spiral was interesting but kind of repetitive. It's like watching Die Hard With a Vengeance without an ending.

I really wanted to jab pencils into my ears every time I heard the beginning of the opening theme. The shrill scream of the first few lines caused me to skip that bad boy almost every time. The rest of the show's music was average. I didn't much like the character designs in this show as it seemed like they were all wearing pointy wigs. I don't believe anyone's hair moved once during the series. This was a symptom of the animation being pretty low budget in this title and I was not impressed overall. The JP VAs were average. Spiral ran for 25 episodes in 2002-2003.

Where did this show go wrong? It started as the mystery of a girl who was pushed from a building and the story's hero was blamed. Like Sherlock Holmes he solves the mystery with his plucky sidekick and we're introduced to the mystery of the Blade Children. The REAL mystery is why the Japanese always refer to one of the children as children. Mix in a dictionary. It's CHILD. This is directed at you as well EVA!

The series proceeds with more of the same as our heroic team is thrust into several more mind-bending puzzles where the failure the properly solve them means death. There's alot good here and I was entertained trying to figure out the mysteries along with the characters.

Since comic relief in this show is nicely handled by the plucky sidekick the real problem with this show is the complete lack of an ending. I can't spoil anything as it never gets revealed.

Where is the main character's missing brother. Who knows?

What are the Blade Children? No idea.

Who is organizing the hunt of same Blade Children? No clue.

Where the hell are everyone's parents? On vacation?

Maybe the secrets are revealed in the manga but I'm sure this series won't warrant a sequel so I'll never know. Not a bad show, as I was entertained but I like closure and this show has none of it.


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