Ugh. I didn't like this story in the manga and I dislike the anime. Also, what happened to the seriousness and high quality of the Christmas Special?
This, the 2nd Love Hina special, aired in 2001 and ran as an hour special. This show is almost as good as the
Christmas Special as far as the technical side of things go but there are some scenes near the end where it's almost as bad as some of the worst the
TV series has to offer.

The music is only average in this special and the insert song near the end is pointless and not very good. I also hate the parts where Nyamo, the little island girl, sings. Her lips don't come close to syncing but it's like the animators were TRYING to do it and failed miserably. These little things really bothered me considering how they are are all in the last half of the show.
Things start out with Keitaro, Naru, and Mitsumi writing their Tokyo U entrance exams. Naru for the second time and the third time for the other two. While writing the exam Keitaro goes off into lala land wakes up with only 5 minutes left. He fills in the answers, leaves a note telling the others not to follow him, and runs off to sea after getting a job on some Pacific island. Naru, pissed, decides to head off alone to get Keitaro back. Of course the other girls follow suit a little later since they find out Naru and Mutsumi have passed and everyone ends up on the island looking for our doofus hero. Of course they know Keitaro's fate but we don't find out until later.

The rest of the show is about Keitaro, Naru, and Nyamo (who's a tanned Shinobu) discovering some turtle civilization and a bunch of crap about following your dreams or whatever. Everyone then meets up and goes home. While the whole turtle civilization thing is funny in the TV series since it's a reason for some wackiness I'm offended that the creators are still writing that crap into the story right when Keitaro and Naru are really clicking. It isn't even that funny, a waste of time. BAH! There is some Shinobu goodness here and a couple of near kisses but it's not enough to improve my score.
Three OAV's to go, will ANYTHING be resolved?
Watching the OAV's for this series I just wanted one thing, closure. Ah well, I don't feel like giving this a rating even, it's barely distinguishable from the actual series.
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