Thursday, March 02, 2006

Aquarian Age - The Movie 6/10

This OAV isn't really connected to the TV series (review) but does take place in the same universe. I'll let you all read the TV series review for background if you need it.

From 2003 this show is actually an OAV but the powers that be preferred to LIE to us. It's a very nice looking show with good art and consistent animation throughout it's hour running time. The character designs are a little different from the TV series but are still good, just a different type of good. There's some REALLY crappy CG in this show, the castle at the end is particularly horrible looking and I was surprised that a show this new had such shoddy work. I suppose Gonzo has spoiled me. I had no complaints about the music or VAs but I will mention that the DVD comes with some music videos with some good insert songs not in the main show.

Taking place a few years after the TV series the war between the factions has now been revealed to the general public since the various groups are somewhat united to battle a new enemy. The Polestar Empire has invaded earth from another dimension and blown alot of stuff up real good. They consist of zombies and ghosts and such and have quite a few dudes on their team unlike the other factions that are all girls.

The story starts as a little boy recruits a girl from each faction to team up to defeat the emperor of the Polestar Empire. These new girls aren't related to anyone from the TV series. Mayumi is a young psychic from E.G.O. whose mother is their leader and she's not developed her full potential. Miharu is a young leader of Arayashiki who's sister is killed in their battle against Guan Yu. (If you're a Dynasty Warriors fan you know who I'm talking about.) Stella is an older Wiz-Dom member who's very powerful and battles Lancelot. Finally Yoko is a young vampire girl who battles Hannibal along side the vampire king Alucard. These battles are quite violent and I especially liked the vampire battle with a bunches of animal girls getting squished by elephants. (Don't ask me why Yoko's Darklore team is lead by a man.)

Each girl is introduced as she battles her respective resurrected ancient warrior and after winning she gets recruited and the story moves on to the next girl. Once assembled the girls and the little boy go to the Polestar Empire's hovering castle to battle the emperor and it turns out HE'S THE LITTLE BOY! I could see this coming from about 500 miles away. The final battle is pretty disappointing because there aren't alot of foot soldiers to get splattered and the whole thing ends pretty unsatisfactorily.

I liked this show OK but it's really only eye-candy if you like the girls and the violence. Kinda recommended.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really, this show is just four battles, followed by one final battle that's not as good as the first four, as Zenith27 commented once. And I agree. I found it interesting that the Esper girls gave up their funky skin tight futuristic suits. Quite odd. Anyhoo, 6.5/10

8:40 PM  

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