Monday, June 05, 2006

Image foolishness

It's much to my chagrin that I have decided to cease the inclusion of screen captures in my reviews. This is a direct result of the retarded amount of time it was taking me to decide which images to include, capture them, upload them, and add them to the HTML of the reviews. This was increasing the time from 1h per review to about 3. I'm also concerned about the available amount of space provided by for those images. (I can't find that info anywhere on their site). Better no images than no reviews.

This change will hopefully allow me to generate more reviews per hour spent in front of my PC. Your comments on this development are, as always, most welcome.

-The Management


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They shall be missed, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

A compramise would be to just put one up, rather than several.

11:27 AM  

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